Apply For ThinkSwiss Research Scholarships for US and Canadian Students in Switzerland, 2019

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Applications are now being accepted for ThinkSwiss Research Scholarships in Switzerland for American and Canadian students for the year 2019.

The aim of the program is to promote research opportunities in Switzerland for American and Canadian students and to foster the exchange between Swiss, U.S., and Canadian universities and research institutions.

ThinkSwiss is an official scholarship program managed by the Office of Science, Technology, and Higher Education at the Embassy of Switzerland in Washington, D.C. The program is funded by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland in Ottawa, Canada.

Scholarship Description

Applications Deadline: January 15, 2019

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue research.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study any of research areas offered.

Scholarship Award:

The ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship provides a prorated amount according to the length of your stay: a monthly scholarship of CHF 1,600 (approx. USD 1,600) for a period of two to three months (CHF 4,800 maximum).

Please note that this amount covers only a portion of the average student’s living expenses and that you will be asked to prove sufficient financial means to the Swiss Cantonal authorities before a visa can be issued (see information on visa below).

All ThinkSwiss scholarship winners will be notified by February 28, 2019 and must accept or decline the scholarship by March 15, 2019.

Nationality: All students enrolled at accredited U.S. or Canadian universities are eligible independently of nationality.

Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given

Scholarship can be taken in Switzerland

Eligibility for the Scholarship

Eligible Countries: All students enrolled at accredited U.S. or Canadian universities are eligible independently of nationality.

Entrance Requirements: To apply for a ThinkSwiss Scholarship you must:

Currently be enrolled at an accredited US or Canadian university/college
Be a graduate or undergraduate student who will have completed their sophomore year by the time their research stay in Switzerland begins

Provide a written confirmation from a professor at a Swiss university that they will accept you for a research stay in their group

English Language Requirements: In Switzerland, undergraduate courses are usually taught in the respective region’s national language (German, French or Italian) and graduate programs are often offered in English.

However, for a research stay in Switzerland national language skills are often not required, as the working language will generally be English. Knowledge of any Swiss national language would of course be helpful for daily life.

Application Procedure

How to Apply: The application and all supporting documents must be sent in one PDF file to by January 15, 2019. In order to be considered for this scholarship, each application must contain:

An introduction page with:

o Your first name and last name as it appears on your travel documents

o The accredited university in the U.S. or in Canada at which you are currently enrolled

o The name of your host university in Switzerland, including the involved institute and the name of your host professor o The dates and the length of stay (at least two, but up to three months in total)

o Your field of research

o Your e-mail address (one that will remain valid for a longer period of time and that you check on a regular basis!)

A research project outline (e.g. an overview of the tasks and milestones of your project that you agreed on with your host professor) and explaining why you should be awarded the ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship and why you would make an excellent “student ambassador” in the future (please keep this within 3-4 pages)

A CV (no more than two pages)

A copy of your current university transcripts and diplomas (if applicable)
Job certificates or references that can confirm the work experience outlined in your CV
A letter of acceptance from the professor in Switzerland (we expect this letter to highlight the relevance of your research)

A letter of recommendation from a current professor who can attest to the applicant’s abilities
The last four requirements (points 4-7) indicated above can be sent separately to by universities and references themselves.

However, all requested documents (points 1-7) must be sent by January 15, 2019 which is the final deadline for the completion of the application process.

Scholarship Link

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