Australia Offers 1000 Scholarships Awards to African Students With 3rd Class | Apply

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Australia offers 1000 scholarships awards to African Students including Nigerians with 3rd Class, are you a third class graduate who thinks that all hope is lost to pursue higher learning?

do now not discourage because we are inviting you to hurry and observe for the 1,000 Australia Awards Scholarships for African Students With 3rd Class 2019-2020 is now open.

There are two categories of Award: Australian Awards Scholarships, to undertake greater degree studies in Australia at the Masters level.

And Australia Awards Short Courses, to undertake short-term, centered expert training courses, in Australia and/or in Africa, in a range of development-focused sectors.

How Much is the Australia Awards Scholarship for African Students Worth?

australia offers 1000 scholarships

To be taken in(Country):

Eligible Countries for the Australia Awards 2020:

Australia Awards Scholarships Requirements

Australian Award Application Form/Procedure:

Application Deadline:

Australia Awards Scholarship FAQs

Why Australia Awards Scholarships?

The stability, security, and prosperity of sub-Saharan Africa are of national interest to Australia.
African countries are of global economic and political importance for global economic growth, agricultural productivity, food security, and international security.

Australia offers 1000 scholarships

Many African economies are thriving and are increasingly providing Australia with opportunities for trade and investment-related development gains.

Sub-Saharan Africa is a diverse region with diverse contexts and development challenges. Important barriers to economic growth across the continent, including skills shortages, poor business environment and governance, slow key infrastructure development, food insecurity, and low agricultural productivity, humanitarian crises and gender and other inequalities.

This shortage of skilled workers is particularly pronounced at the professional level.

In the public sector, these skills shortages hamper the ability of governments to provide services, support sustainable growth, and address development challenges.

Australia offers 1000 scholarships

Achieving sustainable economic growth and competitiveness requires more qualified and applied industrial research.

Australia’s development aid is carefully designed to maximize its impact. Can make a difference by segmenting industries where Australian experience and knowledge create visible added value, deepen commitment and maintain flexibility and responsiveness in selected areas of expertise.
The Australian Awards will be presented to a select number of priority countries according to the geographical and sectoral nature of Australian involvement in Africa.  Australia offers 1000 scholarships

Australia sees Africa’s future optimistic. Australia has 9 diplomatic missions in Africa that support bilateral relations with sub-Saharan Africa. The first mission to South Africa was opened in 1946.

Australia Awards, a cornerstone of the Australian Government’s development assistance program for Africa, provide access to postgraduate education, training, and professional development opportunities for suitably qualified Africans from eligible countries.

On their return to the workplace, Australia Awards Alumni are expected to contribute actively to development in their home countries.

Level/Field of Study:

The scholarship is for African students who wish to undertake Masters taught degrees and short courses at an Australian university.

Field of study:

Offer to study in Australian universities ranges across the following fields of study. Priority Fields (varies by African country)

Agriculture/Food Security


Public Policy (including public sector management, public sector reform, trade, international diplomacy)

Environmental Management

Natural Resource Management (including mining-related subjects)

Technical and Vocational Education & Training (available for Short Courses only)
Energy (including Natural Gas and Oil Technology)


Natural Resource Management
Transport (including Ports, Roads and Airports Management)

How Much is the Australia Awards Scholarship for African Students Worth?

australia offers 1000 scholarships

Australia Awards Scholarships for African Students is a Fully Funded Scholarship.

These opportunities have the value that includes a full tuition waiver, accommodation, and other expenses paid. Guess what, over 1000 scholarships are available

Australia Awards Scholarships

Entitlements include the following:

The full costs of tuition fees for up to two years

An economy class flight to and from Australia.

Note: Excess baggage and travel insurance charges are not covered

An approximate annual stipend of AUD30,000 to cover living expenses while in Australia

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), which covers basic medical costs

A once-off Establishment Allowance of AUD5,000 to assist with the costs of starting life in Australia and commencing the course (e.g. course books and materials, rental deposits, household items, etc.)

Scholars, whose families remain in their home country, may be entitled to a reunion airfare allowing them to travel home, midway through the course. This is only available to scholars whose course is for two years or longer.

Short Course Awards

Entitlements include the following:

The full costs of tuition fees for the duration of the course

Mobilisation travel from the home country to the course delivery location(s), and return to the home country Note: Excess baggage and travel insurance charges are not covered

Visa expenses
A modest per diem

Medical insurance for the duration of the short course.

To be taken in(Country):

The Scholarship has made it easy for both students in Africa to participate without actually coming to Australia to write the exams. All scholarships are taken in African or Australian Universities.

Eligible Countries for the Australia Awards 2020:

Australia Awards Scholarships for African Students is one of the most trusted opportunities from Australia to the African continent.

australia offers 1000 scholarships

If your country appears on the list, Congratulation.

Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo(Republic of), Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia etc

Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Mauritania, Niger, North Sudan, Republic of Guinea, South Sudan

Australia Awards Scholarships Requirements

You must be at least 25 and not more than 50 years of age at the date of your application.
You must have at least three (3) years’ relevant post-graduate work experience.  Australia offers 1000 scholarships

This work experience must be in a role relevant to your proposed field of study and to your employment organization type (e.g. public sector applicants should demonstrate public sector work experience, and so on).  Australia offers 1000 scholarships

Preference will be given to candidates with greater periods of experience.    Australia offers 1000 scholarships

You possess, as a minimum, a Bachelors degree (or the equivalent) from a recognized Institution of at least 4 years in length with at least a 3rd Class Pass.  Australia offers 1000 scholarships

Public sector candidates must comply with the Government of Nigeria regulations for government employees wishing to apply for scholarships.    Australia offers 1000 scholarships

The public sector, the private sector, and civil society candidates must provide evidence of completion of the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) when they apply.  Australia offers 1000 scholarships

You must not already hold, or be studying for, a Masters degree.

You must be willing to make a formal commitment to return to your current employment following completion of the award.

You must meet the general minimum eligibility criteria for Australia Awards Scholarships – refer to the Australia Awards Scholarships policy handbook.

Australian Award Application Form/Procedure:

You can begin the application by clicking on Online Application and get more details by clicking the Scholarship Link

Application Deadline:

The Scholarship is offered annually and the deadline for the scholarship is December and March of the academic year. Application deadline for Masters: The Scholarships opens every September 1st and December 1st

Australia offers 1000 scholarships

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