2018 Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships At Universities In UK| Apply Now
Applications are currently invited for the 2018 Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships at Universities in UK. The scholarship is made available for students from developing countries.
Interested students should see the details below.
Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships are for candidates from least developed and lower middle income Commonwealth countries, for part-time Master’s study by distance learning on selected courses offered by UK universities.
Eligible fields of study?
Funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships enable talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development, and are aimed at those unable to study in the UK for financial and other reasons. These scholarships are offered under six themes:
Science and technology for development
MSc Carbon Management – University of Edinburgh
MSc Global Food Security (Food Safety)– Queen’s University Belfast
MSc Hydrogeology – University of Strathclyde
MSc One Health – University of Edinburgh
MSc Tropical Forestry – Bangor University
Strengthening health systems and capacity
MSc Burn Care – Queen Mary, University of London
MSc Cancer and Clinical Oncology – Queen Mary, University of London
MSc Cancer and Therapeutics – Queen Mary, University of London
MSc Clinical Nutrition – University of Aberdeen
MSc Clinical Optometry – Cardiff University
MSc Clinical Trials – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
MSc Dementia Studies – University of Stirling
MSc Demography and Health – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
MSc Emergency and Resuscitation Medicine – Queen Mary, University of London
MSc Endocrinology and Diabetes – Queen Mary, University of London
MSc Epidemiology – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
MSc Gastroenterology – Queen Mary, University of London
MSc Global Health: Innovation and Education courses – University of Edinburgh
MSc Global Issues in Gerontology and Ageing – University of Stirling
MSc Infection: Prevention and Control – University of Dundee (for candidates from Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone only)
MSc Infectious Diseases – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
MSc Livestock Health and Production – Royal Veterinary College, University of London
MSc Orthopaedic Trauma Science – Queen Mary, University of London
MSc Palliative Medicine for Healthcare Professionals – Cardiff University
MSc Professional Practice Leadership and Management in Healthcare – Lancaster University
MPH Public Health – Teesside University
MPH Public Health – University of Aberdeen
MPH Public Health – University of Liverpool
MSc Public Health Promotion – Leeds Beckett University
MSc Trauma Sciences – Queen Mary, University of London
MSc Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health – Royal Veterinary College, University of London
Promoting global prosperity
MA Public Policy and Management – University of York
MSt Sustainability Leadership – University of Cambridge
Strengthening global peace, security and governance
MSc Development Management – Open University (for candidates from Uganda only)
MSt International Human Rights Law – University of Oxford (for candidates from African and South Asian countries only)
MA Maritime Security – Coventry University
MA Peace and Conflict Studies – Coventry University
Strengthening resilience and response to crises
MSc International Humanitarian Affairs – University of York
MA International Studies – Staffordshire University
MA Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies – School of Advanced Studies, University of London
Access, inclusion and opportunity
MSc Education for Sustainability – London South Bank University (for candidates from Caribbean and African countries only)
MSc Gerontology – University of Southampton
MSc Global Ageing and Policy – University of Southampton
MA Online and Distance Education – Open University
MPA Public Administration – International Development – University of York
During a previous year’s Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship, the following courses were offered:
MSc Palliative Medicine and Care (was available to citizens of Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka only) at Cardiff University,
MSc Tropical Forestry at Bangor University,
MSc Environmental Management (was available to citizens of Kenya only),
MA Online and Distance Education at Open University,
MSc Burn Care, MSc Endocrinology and Diabetes,
MSc Gastroenterology,
MSc Orthopaedic Trauma Science,
MSc Trauma Sciences at Queen Mary,
University of London,
MSc Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health (was available to citizens of Sri Lanka only) at Royal Veterinary College,
MSc Public Financial Management (was available to citizens of Malawi and Tanzania only) at SOAS,
University of London,
MA Education and International Development (was available to citizens of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda only),
MA Education,
Gender and International Development (was available to citizens of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda only),
MA Education,
Health Promotion and International Development (was available to citizens of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda only) at UCL Institute of Education,
MSc International Development (Conflict, Security and Development) at University of Birmingham,
MSc Biodiversity,
Wildlife and Ecosystem Health,
MSc Clinical Education,
MVetSci Conservation Medicine,
MSc Family Medicine,
MSc Global Challenges,
MSc Global eHealth,
MSc Global Health and Infectious Disease,
MSc International Animal Health,
MSc One Health,
MSc Paediatric Emergency Medicine,
MPH Public Health at University of Edinburgh,
MSc Risk,
Crisis and Disaster Management at University of Leicester,
MPH Public Health at University of Liverpool,
MSt International Human Rights Law at University of Oxford,
MSc Global Ageing and Policy,
MSc Gerontology at University of Southampton,
MSc Dementia Studies (was available to applicants from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka only) at University of Stirling,
MSc Finance (was available to applicants from Kenya, Malawi, and Tanzania only),
MSc Hydrogeology (was available to applicants from Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe only) at University of Strathclyde,
MSc in Sustainable Aquaculture at University of St Andrews, MA Public Policy and Management at University of York.
What is the eligibility criteria for this year’s scholarship?
To apply for these scholarships, you must:
Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person
Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country. See the list of countries below.
Hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) standard; a lower qualification and sufficient relevant experience may be considered in certain cases
Be unable to afford to study your chosen course without this scholarship.
The CSC aims to identify talented individuals who have the potential to make change.
We are committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination, and encourage applications from a diverse range of candidates. For further information on the support available to candidates with a disability, see the CSC disability support statement.
The CSC is committed to administering and managing its scholarships and fellowships in a fair and transparent manner. For further information, see the CSC anti-fraud policy and the DFID guidance on reporting fraud.
What are the eligible Commonwealth countries?
The Gambia
Papua New Guinea
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
Sri Lanka
What are the selection criteria and process?
Each participating UK university will conduct its own recruitment process to select a specified number of candidates to be awarded Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships.
Universities must put forward their selected candidates to the CSC by 4 July 2018. Universities will inform candidates of their results in August 2018.
Selection criteria include:
Academic merit of the candidate
Potential impact of the work on the development of the candidate’s home country
How to Apply for the 2018 Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships:
You should apply to study one of the taught Master’s courses offered under the Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship scheme.
These scholarships support courses offered in partnership with local providers in developing countries, as well as courses delivered directly by UK universities. View a full list of eligible courses
All applications must be made through your chosen university. You must check with your chosen university for their specific advice, admission requirements, and rules for applying.
You must take the necessary steps to secure admission to your course at the same time as applying for a Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship.
When you submit your application, you must hold an offer to start your chosen course in the 2018-2019 academic year. You must also provide the details of at least one referee in your application.
You must make your application using the CSC’s application system, in addition to any other application that you are required to complete by your chosen university.
You can apply for more than one course and/or to more than one university, but you may only accept one offer of a Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship.
The CSC will not accept any applications that are not submitted via the CSC’s application system to your UK university, or any applications directly from individuals; such applications will not be acknowledged.
The EAS will open for applications on 4 April 2018.
For further Enquiries?
All enquiries about these scholarships should be directed to the university to which you wish to apply.
Please note that the CSC does not charge candidates to apply for any of its scholarships or fellowships, and it does not charge organisations to nominate candidates.
Scholarship Official Webpage
Application Deadline:
All applications must be submitted by 23.59 (BST) on 20 June 2018 at the latest.