Check Out 50 UBC Affiliated Doctoral Fellowships, International Scholarship in Canada, 2019
THE Scholarship Description: The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies is offering up to 50 new Affiliated Fellowships Doctoral Program for full-time study and/or research leading to a graduate degree. All students regardless of citizenship are eligible to apply.
Scholarship Provider: The University of British Columbia, commonly referred to as UBC, is a public research university with campuses and facilities in British Columbia, Canada
English is the primary language of instruction at UBC. All prospective students are required to demonstrate a minimum level of English before they’re admitted.
Degree Level: Fellowships are available for full-time study and/or research leading to a graduate degree.
Available Subject: With the exception of those program listed below, students in all fields of graduate study are eligible to apply. Exceptions:
Master of Business Administration
Master of Management
Master of Engineering (in Faculty of Applied Science)
Doctor of Pharmacy
Scholarship Benefits: Fellowship values range from $175 to $30,000, but most are in the range of $16,000.
Number of Scholarships: The university offers 50 Affiliated Fellowships each year to meritorious students
Eligible Nationalities: All students regardless of citizenship are eligible to apply.
Entrance Requirements: To be eligible, applicants must have completed, as of December 31, 2018, between zero and 12 months of full-time studies (or full-time equivalent) in:
Check Out 50 UBC Affiliated Doctoral Fellowships, International Scholarship in Canada, 2019
The master’s program for which they are requesting funding; or
The doctoral program for which they are requesting funding if they were admitted into a doctoral program directly from their bachelor’s program (they were never registered in a master’s program, or are registered in a combined Master’s-PhD program); or
Check Out 50 UBC Affiliated Doctoral Fellowships, International Scholarship in Canada, 2019
A master’s program, but are requesting funding for a doctoral program (an example is a student who is fast-tracked from a Master’s to a doctoral program within 12 months of starting their Master’s and is seeking funding for the first 12 months of their doctoral program).
Please note that:
All previous studies at the graduate level, regardless of institution and discipline, will be included in determining eligibility*
Successful applicants for Master’s-level funding who plan to hold that funding as a Master’s student (first point immediately above) will not receive funding past the end of their 24th month of Master’s-level study.
Successful applicants for Master’s-level funding who plan to hold that funding as a doctoral student (second and third points immediately above) will receive a funding offer restricted to a maximum of 12 months, and they will not be considered for doctoral-level funding such as a Killam Doctoral Scholarship.
Students who will have completed more than 12 months of graduate-level studies by December 31, 2018 must apply to the doctoral-level funding competition.
*All previous months of master’s will be counted in assessing eligibility, except in cases where the previous master’s study was required by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies as a basis of admission to the applicant’s UBC graduate program.
This exception may affect a small number of students from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and the Philippines. This exception does not apply in cases where the previous master’s study was required by the applicant’s graduate program, but not by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
Application Procedure:
Note: Students who are eligible for the Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s (CGS M) (such as Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada) are required to apply for CGS M. Students who submit a CGS M application to UBC are also considered for Affiliated Fellowship funding, and do not need to submit a separate Affiliated Fellowship application.
Check Out 50 UBC Affiliated Doctoral Fellowships, International Scholarship in Canada, 2019
Affiliated Fellowship applicants (such as international students) must submit their application materials to their graduate program. The deadline by which applications for Master’s-level funding must be submitted to the applicant’s UBC graduate program is Saturday, December 1, 2018.
Many of the Affiliated Fellowships have no specific criteria (unrestricted), while many others have some affiliation or special research focus as part of their criteria (criteria-based). All graduate students in the Affiliated Fellowships competition are automatically considered for unrestricted awards. In order to be considered for any criteria-based awards, students are asked to:
Review the list of criteria-based affiliated awards at the end of the application to determine if they meet any of these awards’ criteria
Check in their Affiliated Fellowships application the award numbers of any and all criteria-based affiliated awards for which they are eligible
Check Out 50 UBC Affiliated Doctoral Fellowships, International Scholarship in Canada, 2019