
World All Time 10 Richest People And Why Bill Gates Is Not On The List – Number 7 Is From African (See With Pictures)

Microsoft founder Bill Gates tops the Forbes World’s Billionaires list again with a net worth of $79.2B. Gates is followed by Mexican business telecom magnate Carlos Slim Helu who has a net worth amounting to $77.1B, trailed by American businessman Warren Buffet with a net worth of $72.7B.

Their net worth may seem unimaginable to ordinary people like us, but did you know that there are individuals who lived before them who had more wealth than these three richest billionaires in the world?

Discover the list of 10 people who are wealthier than those in the Forbes World’s Billionaires List in the next pages.

10. Cornelius Vanderbilt (Wealth: $185B)

You probably remember him from your history classes, or besides the fact that he founded Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.

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