World All Time 10 Richest People And Why Bill Gates Is Not On The List – Number 7 Is From African (See With Pictures)

Rufus also commissioned the construction of the Richmond Castle and was known to be a generous donor of several religious structures. He died in 1090 at age 53 with a wealth that amounted to 7% of England’s GDP during his time; which at present, amounts to $194B.

8. Henry Ford (Wealth: 199B)

One of the most popular icons in the US’ commerce history is industrialist and automobile manufacturer, Henry Ford.

As you already know, he is the founder of Ford Motor Company, which makes him one of the greatest movers in the history of transportation. Ford is known for introducing inexpensive cars that were affordable to the masses, as well as the use of assembly lines for production.

Ford was born in a family that farmed for a living. He left home at age 16 to work as a machinist. When he was 28 years old, Ford was an engineer in Thomas Edison’s company where he experimented with engines that ran on gasoline.

At age 36, Ford began to establish his first automobile company only to experience bankruptcy and issues with his business partners for his following businesses; until he was able to make a fortune with the Ford Motor Company along with his partners Alexander Malcomson and the Dodge brothers. In his lifetime, Ford is believed to have acquired a net worth of $199B.

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