A woman has revealed how her husband who is a church minister was dating and having s3x with transgenders.
The lady shared the story on the Humans of New York, revealing how the man she had been married to for four years, and have two children with turned out to be bis3xual. See her story below;
“We’d been married for four years. We had two young daughters. Everything seemed normal. He never stayed out late. He was a police officer, but he was always home on weekends. And we had a robust s3x life. He was my best friend. Sometimes we’d stay up all night talking– no TV, just talking.
Then one morning I tried printing something out on our office computer, and it just kept printing out the same page. It was a picture of his n@ked body, combined with the profile page for a gay website. He said it was nothing. Only p0rn.
Then a few months later I found the same picture in the ‘unsent messages’ folder of our Outlook account. He’d been trying to send it to a transgender woman named Gabby.
That’s when I went through his Internet history and found thousands of jpegs of transgender p0rn. He denied being gay. He said it was nothing but a p0rn addiction. But then a few weeks later I was reviewing our credit card statement, and saw that he’d gotten tested for HIV.
The next day he brought me to church. He sat me down with the pastor. And he confessed that he’d been having s3x with transgender pr)stitutes throughout our marriage.
We didn’t immediately divorce. I tried to make it work for our daughters. He tried going to an addiction treatment center at Johns Hopkins.
But I felt like I was married to a stranger. It drove me to the edge. On Super Bowl Sunday of that year, I was sitting in my bed, crying, heavily medicated, when I heard him on the phone downstairs. He was laughing like he didn’t have a care in the world.
That night I checked his phone, and saw that he’d been talking to Gabby. He’d been texting her every day for months. The last one said: ‘My wife is getting suspicious.’
That’s when I kicked him out of the house. I haven’t spoken to him in years. He does call my daughters a couple times per week. I just tell them that things between Mommy and Daddy didn’t work out. He seems to be doing fine. He has a new family now.
And he’s a minister.”